• 15-01-2022

Indian Logistic Industry Promoting Transparency Between Transporters

The Indian logistics sector is witnessing an unprecedented transformation. Today, technology is being deployed to address the fundamental challenges faced by transporters across the country. As is well known, robust freight and logistics support is the key to better economic development. However, for the transport sector to be successful and fulfil its potential, trust and transparency in operations are essential values. That’s where the conventional transport business in India has so far underperformed. There is a trust gap between suppliers, customers, logistics partners, retailers and manufacturers, etc.

Emerging technologies such as AI, Internet of Things (IoT), automation, data analytics and robotics are playing an important role in addressing the lack of trust and visibility.

Manufacturers and suppliers in India generally have their circle of logistics service providers. They believed widely the transporters and understand the shipper’s needs and expectations. They know how to handle shipments, what queries have to ask, the routes and protocols to take and so on. Over the years, the transporters well-entrenched with their restricted shippers, shipping destinations and end-receivers. Similarly, transporters trust the shippers for the legitimacy of the goods, payments and other needs.

Technology is now driving some elements and allowing stakeholders to build a trusted relationship with every other organization in the supply chain sector. With such integrated and standardized operations becoming a reality, there is never a worry about getting a shipment delivered safely and on time or for the transporters to find the next consignment. In a tech-based transportation ecosystem, nobody needs to rely on the responses of a select set of intermediaries who might not be available in times of crisis as detected during the pandemic lockdowns.

With India rapidly growing as a manufacturing powerhouse it is very difficult for transport operations to continuously take steps that reduce the trust gap through complete visibility, collaboration and competitiveness of operations.